SMBH Coloring Contest Winners Announcement

Coloring Contest Collateral - Winner Announcement

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first ever SMBH Coloring Contest! Sadly, we didn't receive any submissions for the Ages 16-20 category, so we've named two winners in the Ages 11-15 category instead. You can see all of the entries below!

It was very tough choosing just four winners, but we managed to chose these great pieces. The artist of each piece receives a $50 gift card!

  • Ages 10 & Under
    • Carrick - The LeVeque Tower
  • Ages 11-15
    • Charlotte - OSU Oxley Thompson Library
    • Morgan - The Joseph Hotel
  • Ages 21 & Over
    •  Bob - The Joseph Hotel

Ages 10 & Under

Colored page of the LeVeque Tower in Columbus, Ohio. Done by Carrick (10 & Under Winner)

Carrick - Winner!

10 & Under - Carrick 2


10 & Under - Carrick 3


10 & Under - Cece 1


10 & Under - Cece 2


Ages 11 -15

Colored page of the OSU Oxley Thompson Library in Columbus, Ohio. Done by Charlotte(11-15 Winner)

Charlotte - Winner!

Colored page of The Joseph Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. Done by Morgan (11-15 Winner)

Morgan - Winner!

11-15 Lauren


Ages 21 & Over

Colored page of The Joseph Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. Done by Bob (21 & Over Winner)

Bob - Winner!

21 & Over - Christine


21 & Over - Meghan


21 & Over - Molly
